August 2024 Anniversary Events

Celebrate 16 years of growing tea experiences in the Cowichan Valley with us!
What's on this August 2024?
:: Special Tea Garden Tours + Tastings ::
Join the Tea Maker, Victor Vesely, and the Westholme Team on a guided tour + standing taste of the Westholme Tea Garden - the first commercial Tea Garden in Canada - where we grow camellia sinensis for our rare Canadian terroir tea. There will be two tours taking place on Thursday, August 15th for our 16th anniversary!
The morning tour begins at 10:30am sharpand will run until approximately 11:30pm. The afternoon tour begins at 1:30pm sharp and will run until approximately 2:30pm.
Ensure to pre-book your spot on the tour beforehand via our Tours + Events page!
:: Enter the August Westholme Giveaway ::
Show us how Westholme teas + tisanes show up in your home.
Happening now until Thursday, August 29th, enter to win a Cowichan Gift Box OR 16 % off your next purchase by tagging us in your post showcasing how Westholme teas show up in your home! Visit the giveaway page to learn how to enter.
:: Shop the Anniversary Sale ::
On Thursday, August 15th, celebrate 16 years with us and enjoy discounts on teas and tisanes in store and online!
:: Music in the Tea Garden ::
Music in the tea garden is back for its second season!
Taking place Sunday, August 25th - enjoy sipping bottomless teas + tisanes, tasting treats and delighting in live music while surrounded by tea plants and gardens on the Westholme Tea Company property!
Tickets and more details to follow shortly ...
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