Tea Education

Proportions We suggest starting with 2 grams of tea per cup of water. If you do not have a scale to measure out the weight of your tea, for a typical black tea, 2 grams roughly equals 1 teaspoon. One...
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The Shelf Life of TeaThe shelf life will vary depending upon the type of tea, quality of the leaf, and the storage environment. From farm, to shop, to pantry.Black Tea: 1-3 yearsGreen Tea: 1-2 yearsMatcha Tea: 1 yearYellow Tea: 1-2 yearsOolong Tea: 1-10 yearsWhite Tea: 1-10+...
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Tea grading is the process of evaluating each tea product based on the quality and condition of the tea leaves themselves. Tea leaf grading methods vary from region to region, and by tea type. The most common tea grading language...
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It is no question when we reflect on ancient traditions and tea cultures, that tea has the ability to nurture a meditative, relaxed, and clear mental state. This can be related to the connective act of sharing tea with others, slowing...
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Rooibos is produced from the Aspalathus linearis shrub, also known as “red bush.” The plant is native to the Cederberg Mountains of South Africa. Once plucked and collected, the leaves are processed into a tisane. After harvest, the cut branches...
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