Newsletter Archive
With the arrival of March, we have many indecisive weather patterns, extended moments of daylight and warm cups of tea to look forward to! Marching our way into Daylight Savings and Spring Equinox with a refreshed excitement for a new...
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In alignment with heart month, we want to share how tea represents so much more than a wonderfully warm beverage; how it can connect us to the landscape and each other. As a plant traditionally used as a medicine for the heart, we...
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As we greet the beginning of February, and along with it, the cold and snowy wonderland that it has brought to us here on the west coast, we make space for a new month focused on sharing the love of tea. Mate Chai is...
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Delight in a completely naturally caffeine-free cup of Earl Grey! Rooibos Earl is our January Tisane of the Month bringing you an uplifting moment of peace and tranquility in your day. This tisane is our herbal take on the classic Earl Grey tea....
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Clinking our cups filled with our favourite teas and Welcoming the New Year together!We wish you, your family and friends, and our lovely community here a most spectacular year ahead. May you find health, peace and joy in your...
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