15th Birthday Celebrations

DAY 1 - Tuesday August 15 - Enjoy 15% off all your online tea purchases throughout the day enter BIRTHDAY15 when checking out to get your 15%off your order.
DAY 2 - Wednesday August 16 - Visit our teashop and celebrate with us over different samples of tea
DAY 3 - Thursday August 17 - Join us in the afternoon for a guided tea tasting - ONLY A FEW TICKETS LEFT
DAY 4 - Friday August 18 - Be our 15th online shopper and win a sur-prize!
DAY 5 - Saturday August 19 - Be our 15th visitor to the teashop and win a sur-prize!
DAY 6 - SUNDAY August 20 - Join us for some live music in the Tea Garden - ONLY A FEW TICKETS LEFT
DAY 7 - Monday August 21 - Launch of our newest blend - No.15 - Complimentary sample with any online purchase
DAY 8 - Tuesday August 22 - Shop online and enter to win a gift certificate of $150
DAY 9 - Wednesday August 23 - Visit our teashop and celebrate with us over a sample of our new No.15
DAY 10 - Thursday August 24 - Join us in the afternoon for a guided tea tasting - tickets available online
DAY 11 - Friday August 25 - Sur-prizes for online and in-store tea shoppers
DAY 12 - Saturday August 26 - Visit us at the Duncan Farmers Market, or on Richards Trail for a sample of No.15
DAY 13 - Sunday August 27 - Join us for a Westholme Tea Garden Tour Experience - ONLY A FEW TICKETS LEFT
DAY 14 - Monday August 28 - Enjoy a complimentary tin of No.15 with any online purchase over $150
DAY 15 - Tuesday August 29 - Release of Westholme limited harvest Tea Maker's Signature Series, BLACK & WHITE
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