Art Exhibition III: Opening Reception Sept 30th

Art Exhibition III: Opening Reception Sept 30th
Join us on Thursday, September 30th, from 6-8pm in the Gallery to welcome Francine Renée with an evening of tea + food + art!
The little Gallery at Westholme has become home to a series of pop-up exhibitions, featuring some very talented artists working in a variety of mediums. 

The third show in the series runs features the nature-inspired works of Francine Renée  and of our own Margit Nellemann's collection of handbuilt ceramics.
This Exhibition showcases Fran's works that blend natural fibres with man-made fibres, bringing the outdoors in while also celebrating the celestial planets. Margit's will be sharing her most recent ceramic creations - many pieces are made from recycled clay repurposed into new forms. 
We ask that all guests please reserve their FREE ticket on Eventbrite. Please feel free to share this invitation and bring your own guests as well!

Tea and light refreshments will be served.

All pieces will be available for purchase, and the Teashop will be open for sales as well.
The series will be available for viewing during regular Teashop hours (Wednesday-Sunday 11am-4pm) from Wednesday September 29th - Sunday October 17th)

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