:: New teas and tisanes available through Cow-Op ::

Now find 16 Westholme blends to choose from on the virtual Farmer’s Market! Just added: Cowichan Breakfast, Black Cream, Nettle Chai, Calm Lav and Cowichan Caravan.
https://cow-op.ca/ is Cowichan’s innovative co-operative local food hub for 70+ farmers, vendors and producers.
Find our teas alongside the freshest of produce, meats, eggs, beverages, baking and more...all produced right here in the Valley. The Cow-op is a non-profit that supports ecologically and community minded farmers and food and beverage producers. As well the Cow-op supports the accessibility of more delicious, healthy, fresh and close-to-home consumption.
Order from the Cow-op in three easy steps…sign up online, order between Thursday and Monday each week, and choose your pick-up or delivery option for the following Thursday!
Pickup in Duncan (Hope Farm) Cowichan Station (The Hub), Cobble Hill (Lockwood Farms), Sahtlam (Muddy Feet Farm), and even find pick up locations in Victoria and Nanaimo! Cowichan residents can choose to opt for home delivery, which may even arrive via bicycle (Cowichan Recyclists).
We are thrilled to be members of the Cow-op, who make choosing community resiliency, reciprocity and recovery accessible in a few clicks.
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