New Yunnan Teas

Teas grown in Yunnan, China are very special for many reasons and the taste is a testament to millennia of tea culture + plant cultivation history…the tea plant grows in its native soils here and tea processing knowledge has been handed down generation to generation.
Mountainous elevations and mild temperatures offer ideal growing conditions for the indigenous Camellia sinensis plants.
Black teas from Yunnan are sometimes referred to as the "mocha of tea"...
The Yunnan terroir, with its unique soil profile and deep history, results in the popular, rich, and satisfying flavours of Yunnan’s local Dian Hong teas. We know Dian Hong as Yunnan Black Teas in the West and in China they are referred to as Red Teas. Dian Hong are known for being full-bodied with notes that can be described dominantly as: chocolate, stone fruit, toasty, and vegetal.
After a long wait and months of sourcing, sampling, selecting...we are happy to introduce these new Yunnan teas...
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