Tisane of the Week :: Red Moon

Tisane of the Week :: Red Moon

Tisane of the Week :: Red Moon

The moon has always been a paradoxical figure. While it exists in total darkness, it also has the ability to reflect light to guide through the night. Inspired by age-old mythologies, this tisane is a perfect balance of two opposites, much like the light and dark side of the moon: tartness and sweetness.

Red Mood provides a wealth of herbs and flowers containing beneficial antioxidants and enzymes, Subtle tartness from hibiscus is balanced with the gentle natural lingering sweetness of liquorice root. Rosehips, lemon balm and ginger act to ground the infusion in a delicate, refreshing zest. Steeps to a gorgeous red-pink tonic.

*This is the same tea blend as our Goat - Chinese Zodiac Tea*

Save 10% until Nov 3rd

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