02.10.2023 :: Share the Love

There is an undeniable connection between tea and love.
(We do not say "tea is love" lightly!)
After all, tea (Camellia sinensis) is the most loved beverage in the world (being the most drank). The simple act of sharing a cup of tea is one that is viewed worldwide - through all cultures and across many centuries - as an act from the heart.
We recognize the symbolic connection between tea + love during this time of year that is still very cold and dark - when those around us may be most in need of a heartfelt invitation for a nourishing tea. We also recognize the physiological connection as February is a time when multiple organizations emphasize the importance of cardiovascular health. Both Western and Eastern knowledge systems accredit tea to being a heart medicine.
There are many fascinating stories, myths and lore from around the world that share the connection between tea + love. How do tea + love intertwine in your story?
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