Westholme Tea Mocktails

As we make our way through the vibrant days of summer, we reflect on the necessities that make this time of year so fulfilling, rejuvenating and relaxing. Collectively we have created and discovered the tea mocktail; with all of the antioxidants and stress reducing health benefits that herbal blends and camellia sinensis (the tea plant) yield.
If you are looking to supplement your usual alcoholic beverage, look no further than this recipe list of refreshingly delicious Tea Mock-tails!
- 1 lemon, sliced 1/4” thick
- 1 orange, sliced 1/4” thick
- 1 lime, sliced 1/4” thick
- 2 apples cored and chopped
- 3 cups of brewed Westholme Crimson
- 1 bottle of sparkling apple cider or sparkling water
Prepare Crimson using the cold tea brewing method (refer to our recent iced tea article in "Recipes").
Allow to steep in refrigerator for 4-10 hours. Slice then layer in the orange, lemon, lime and apple slices in the bottom of your vessel. Pour in the steeped and chilled Crimson herbal tisane and gently stir until well mixed.
Cover and chill for at least 4 hours, or overnight. When ready to serve, add the sparkling apple cider or water to your vessel and gently stir.
- 1/4 cup Westholme Black Tea of your choosing
- 6 cups of filtered water
- 1/4 cup of raw honey
- 1 Lemon
Combine loose tea leaves and water in a pot. Heat to below boiling then remove from heat to let cool. Stir in the honey once the temperature has dropped below 60°C - this preserves the beneficial qualities of the honey. Strain the tea leaves. Refrigerate and serve chilled. Enjoy!
- Non alcoholic Gin
- Lavender Simple Syrup
- A bold cup of Classic Earl Grey tea
- Orange Bitters
Prepare a cup of Classic Earl. We recommend brewing a bolder cup by allowing to steep up to 5 minutes. Place in the fridge to chill. Add all ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake for 6-10 seconds. Strain into a martini glass, garnish with a lemon peel.
(Optional Ideas)
You can add a hint of honey for a little extra sweetness.
Make ice cubes from steeped tea to preserve the strength of your chilled cup!
Serve over ice and enjoy!
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