TEA OF THE WEEK :: Black Raven

Enjoy 10% savings until July 28th on this lovely, smooth mixture of premium pekoe teas from two of the largest tea growing regions in the world: India and China.
Carrying the name of the mythical, clever, playful Raven, this blend brings together renowned flavour qualities from both regions who are known well for their black teas. The strength, malt and sweetness of the assamica tea varietal from the Assam district in India and the natural floral complexity of the sinensis varietals from China, the birthplace of tea.
Soft notes of malted sweetness linger on the nose and palate of this deep, red-brown liquor. The cup is toasty, robust and smooth, with a gentle balanced astringency. A perfect breakfast or afternoon tea, on its own, hot or cold steeped, or with a touch of milk or honey.
Shop Black Raven here.
Find our Black Raven honeyed-iced-tea recipe here!
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