Events + Updates

IZU MATCHA - TEA OF THE WEEK  To produce certain teas, like the finely ground green tea leaves used for Matcha, the tea plants are covered and grown in the shade a couple of weeks before harvest. This adds a...
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We now have a new pick-up service for local customers to more conveniently receive your tea order. How Does Our Pick-Up Service Work? Select the pick-up option available at checkout. Once your order is placed, you will receive an email notification to confirm...
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In consideration of the recent Federal and Provincial guidelines regarding COVID 19 we have decided to close the farm Teashop and Tearoom for the time being. We remain here working to provide you with your organic tea needs through our...
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Rat tea is an appealing and well-balanced blend of black pekoe teas with refreshing notes of peppermint and fennel. Curious what your sign is? Checkout the chart to see if this is your lucky year. All teas are available at...
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Due to Winter wonderland conditions we will be delaying our season opening until weather permits the cozy Tearoom to be accessible again. Please contact us to confirm our being open. 250.748.3811  
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