
INTERNATIONAL TEA ✨NORTH AMERICA Tea has been involved in the formation of North America as we know it today. The Dutch were the first to colonize what we now refer to the United States, bringing tea with them and fondness...
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INTERNATIONAL TEA DAY GIVEAWAY ✨INDIA From Himalayan ridges in Darjeeling, tropical valleys of Assam, and lush jungles of Nilgiri, India exports the most tea in the world. Assam is home to India’s indigenous, wild tea plant: Camillia sinensis assamica. Britain...
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INTERNATIONAL TEA DAY GIVEAWAY ✨ NORTH AFRICA In Northern Africa, tea is an expression of conviviality and hospitality. Tea was brought by the English in the 19th century, although some accounts describe tea arriving as early as the 17th century...
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INTERNATIONAL TEA DAY GIVEAWAY ✨BRITISH ISLESTea began making its way to Europe via the trade routes of Dutch and Portuguese companies in the 17th century and by the 20th century Britain was consuming over 1/2 of the world’s tea supply....
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INTERNATIONAL TEA DAY GIVEAWAY ✨RUSSIATea was introduced to Russia in the early 1600’s when the Chinese embassy visited Moscow, bringing a chest of tea as a gift for the Czar. But it was not until the 1800’s that tea became...
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