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The famous Long Jing Dragonwell green tea for this lively blend. The tea leaves are pan roasted very soon after harvest to halt the oxidation process and preserve the fresh-plucked colour of the leaves. Part of the tea’s transformation involves...
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This tea exemplifies a traditional black tea as it would have been in the 17th century, when great caravans of camels - referred to as “ships of the desert” - were transporting tea from China to Russia. China Caravan is...
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What is a breakfast tea anyways? Breakfast teas are a blend of different types of black teas. This particular tea brings together tea leaves sourced from India, China and Sri Lanka. Generally breakfast teas are known for being bolder, because...
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By popular demand we have extended Exhibition IV in the Gallery at Westholme to Sunday November 29th. We invite your visit to the Teashop and Gallery (during our regular hours) to see the incredible and whimsical sculptural works of John...
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